Since the inception of the SPL in 1998, Scottish football has pursued a relentless agenda of promoting our game as a Family Friendly “product”. All-seated stadia, legislation to deal specifically with the issues of “offensive behaviour” at matches, special police units dedicated to enforcing this legislation – just some of the initiatives aimed at smoothing off the rough edges of our national sport in the hope of attracting more families through the turnstiles.
Against the backdrop of a downward trajectory in attendances, any attempt to encourage kids to forgo the myriad of alternative pursuits should be applauded. Securing the next generation of fans is vital to the long term health of our game. The wee guy dragged along to the fitba – who barely watches the hoof ball played out in front of him and only really cares about the crappy mascots – will hopefully be gripped by the same fervour as so much of us have and be taking our place in years to come.
Anecdotal evidence suggests that the strategy has been a qualified success: the numbers of families attending games appears to this observer to have increased dramatically in the past 15 years. However, the continued obsession with honing the match day experience to the family audience, to the exclusion of all other demographics, is based on a fallacy: the incorrect assumption that there are swathes of families waiting to be converted to the cause, if only the authorities can make the experience that bit safer, that bit friendlier, that bit more sanitised.
According to a survey of almost 7,000 Scottish football fans carried out in the 2012, the need for a more Family Friendly environment didn’t register in the Top 10 reasons given as barriers to respondents attending more home fixtures. The biggest obstacle was the price of tickets. Other factors included the quality of football on display, the prohibition of standing within the stadiums, poor match atmosphere and the inability to buy alcohol within the stadium.
In fact, when asked about the importance of various elements of the match day experience, the Family Friendly factor was ranked as 7th out of 14. Even more tellingly, respondents felt that clubs were outperforming expectations in the Family Friendly stakes, while falling well short in terms of the atmosphere at games, which was rated as the 2nd most important factor.
The results of the survey are pretty conclusive. There is consensus that the match day experience is suitably Family Friendly. There appears to be little to be gained from pushing this agenda any further.
And what of those left behind in the wake of the relentless march towards the Family Friendly utopia?
The same survey showed that the crowds at Scottish football matches are still overwhelmingly comprised of the traditional lifeblood of the game – blokes aged between 18 and 40, many of whom like a few drinks before the game, who head along to support their team and have a laugh with their mates. You’d except given the amount of money they pour into the coffers that their opinions would be respected and their support highly valued. You’d be wrong.
These punters are not only being ignored but are increasingly being trampled beneath the Family Friendly juggernaut. Over the past few years the following measures have been rolled out by the Scottish Government, Police Scotland and the governing bodies:
- The Scottish Government introduced specific legislation (The Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications Act 2012) to differentiate between “offensive behaviour” carried out at football matches from any other location in Scotland. Why football required its own law and what actually constitutes behaviour offensive enough to merit prosecution is another matter.
- Soon after the act was passed a full-time unit was established by Police Scotland to ensure the law is pursued to its fullest extent. The FOCUS unit is made up of 14 specialist officers whose only job is to seek out those guilty of football related offensive behaviour on match days and on social media.
- In January this year came the latest brainchild of the SPFL: the potential introduction of facial recognition software at Scottish grounds. The theory being that already impoverished clubs would install expensive equipment at the turnstiles to scan the face of every paying customer in a bid to weed out potential trouble makers. Thankfully the idea appears to have been kicked into the long grass by the refusal of the Scottish Government to subsidise the scheme to the tune of £4m. The trouble is that the idea gained any credence in the first place. This is not some dystopian vision of the future, this is Scotland in 2016.
Supporters are now accusing the authorities of being criminalised and it’s a notion which is hard to argue with when you look at the draconian measures being inflicted upon us. The detachment between the authorities and a significant number of fans should be sending alarm bells ringing in the corridors of power. There appears to be a real danger that those fans who follow their teams the length and breadth of the country may decide it just isn’t worth the hassle any more. The game they fell in love with increasingly feels like it’s slipping away, replaced with a pale, sterile imitation.
What I wanted to know was is our story unique or are the same feelings of supporter dissatisfaction being played out in stadiums across Europe? Are our feelings of persecution justified or is the game alienating fans on wider level?
I decided to have a look at the match day experiences of fans in European leagues comparable with our own. I needed a yardstick to measure how bad we’ve got it in Scotland. Are other countries able to balance the need to attract more families without marginalising their traditional fan base?
I settled on Denmark, Sweden and Norway as the basis for this case study. All three countries have suffered the same downward trend in attendances over the past decade and are battling to attract fans back through the turnstiles. They are also having the same discussions as us: league reconstruction, the merits of summer versus winter football and the use of artificial surfaces. However, their discussions are taking place against a backdrop of fan engagement and match day experience light years ahead of our own.
I spoke to Claus Røndbjerg-Christensen (@DanishFooty), Sofia Bohlin (@FiaFantastisk) and Ole Aasheim (@NorwayStats) about three areas in particular which they are getting right which would have a transformative effect on our game if we were able to follow suit: standing at games, the sale of alcohol inside the stadiums and the use of pyrotechnics
Safe Standing
Standing within Scottish top flight stadiums has been banned since 1994 in the aftermath of the tragic events at Hillsborough. What I hadn’t realised until recently is that although the recommendations of the Taylor Report, which was released in the aftermath of Hillsborough, are enshrined in English law, the requirement for all-seated stadiums in Scotland was applied on a voluntary basis; there is no requirement for it in Scots law.
In 2011, spurred on by pressure applied by the Celtic Trust, Celtic approached the SPL about the possibility of introducing safe-standing sections, as pioneered in the Bundesliga, to Celtic Park. In an uncharacteristic display of rationality, the SPL conditionally approved the introduction of safe standing in Scotland.

Yet here we are more than 5 years later, and with an overwhelming majority of Scottish fans in favour of the initiative, and there are still no dedicated standing sections in Scotland’s top flight. Why? Because in their infinite wisdom, the SPL made their acceptance of standing sections conditional on the basis of approval by local authority Safety Committees and the Police.
Even before the SPL made the announcement that standing had been approved in principal, Scottish Police Federation chairman Les Gray released the following statement to the media: “People have this romantic idea about standing areas. There’s nothing further from the truth, they are dangerous. People go into a standing area because they want to misbehave. They will tell you it’s for the atmosphere but invariably you get a crowd of people who misbehave. If you’re in a seat you are easily identifiable. It starts off with great intentions but even with a small controlled number, it doesn’t work. We have all-seater stadiums for a reason. Standing areas are a nightmare.”
The Police’s only involvement should have been in an advisory capacity as part of local authority Safety Committees. No laws were being broken nor amended. However, their stance was clear from outset; they would object to these proposals at every turn and doing everything in their powers (and quite a bit more) to obstruct it.
Celtic followed up their initial representations to the SPL with a formal application to Glasgow City Council (GCC) in 2012. This application was finally approved in June 2015 following a gruelling process which included two rejections of the proposal. The process required Celtic to commission numerous feasibility studies, the preparation of an independent study by a subject matter expert and a massive amount of administrative work. The process is estimated to have cost Celtic in excess of £100k.
The basis for the two rejections by the GCC Safety Advisory Group (SAG) and the justification for delaying the approval by 3 years are poorly documented to say the least. What is clear is that Police Scotland was able to exert an inordinate amount of control on the SAG. I have spoken to various sources who were stunned by the extent of Police Scotland’s influence in what is essentially not a matter for the Police. I heard numerous allegations about the reasons behind Police Scotland’s objections including personal politicking, self-interest and a refusal to back the proposals due to the association with Celtic’s Green Brigade group.
The most worrying allegation was that the objections were not even based on safety concerns but instead centred on the ease of policing standing sections. This was allegedly confirmed during one meeting of the SAG when the Police raised the possibility of erecting fencing around the standing area. Given the role fencing played in historic stadium disasters, the shortsightedness of this proposal seems incredible.
Based on my research, it is clear to me that Police Scotland is an organisation emboldened to the point that they are now playing lawmaker rather than enforcer. They were allowed to exert undue influence on Celtic’s application for safe standing and effectively block the wishes of an overwhelming number of football fans.
The standing section at Celtic Park is effectively being used as a trial run for the rest of Scottish football. Whether Police Scotland allow it to be successful remains to be seen.
Meanwhile, despite suffering crowd trouble during the 1970s and 80s, standing spectators have been an enduring sight in Scandinavian football. Standing is currently allowed in all three of the Nordic countries I looked at. All sixteen top flight stadiums in Sweden contain standing sections and the concept of “safe standing” does not even enter the thinking – many grounds retain old school terracing long since lost from the UK.
Vålerenga will be the first Norwegian club to utilise “safe standing” rail seating when their new stadium is open in 2017. In sharp contrast with Celtic’s travails this installation has not been subject to a protracted approval process, in fact no governing body intervention was required.
Scandinavian fans regard it as a fundamental right of supporters to choose how they watch the game. Standing isn’t viewed as intrinsically less safe than sitting.
Booze Ban
In the aftermath of large scale rioting in the 1980 Scottish Cup Final between Rangers and Celtic, the sale of alcohol within football stadiums in Scotland was made illegal by the passing of the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 1980. That final was the culmination of drink-fuelled violence that had blighted the Scottish game for years.
The footballing and cultural landscape has changed dramatically in the 30 odd years since the ban was introduced. Even though half of all people attending games today take a drink before the game, violent disorder within stadiums has been virtually eradicated.
Recent years have seen a groundswell of opinion advocating a rethink. 62% of respondents to the 2014 SDS poll were in favour of lifting the alcohol ban, while 72% advocated the introduction of a small scale trial.

There have been sporadic efforts at relaxing the restrictions, most recently a populist move by former Scottish Labour leader Jim Murphy in 2014. Yet again Police Scotland was hot on his heels, Chief Constable Stephen House stating at the time that he would be “extremely concerned by any proposal to amend legislation in respect of alcohol at football matches in Scotland.”
Detractors will point to the recent trouble at the Scottish Cup final as evidence that widespread disorder at matches is only every just over the brow of the hill. This isolated incident, completely uncharacteristic of Scottish football in the past few decades, will now be cited by governing bodies and law makers as justification for refusing to even contemplate removing the ban.
There is a phrase in legal circles which feels particularly pertinent when considering the wider impact this game should be allowed to have on our liberties as fans: “Hard cases make bad law.”
That game represented an almost unique set of circumstances: a more volatile than normal atmosphere amongst the fans due to recent spats between the clubs which was then exacerbated by a last minute winner which ended Hibernian’s 114 year wait to lift the trophy. Even then, the explosion of emotion from both sets of fans at the final whistle could have been contained had it not been for, somewhat ironically, woefully inadequate policing.
The highly improbable confluence of these contributing factors shouldn’t be allowed to inform our match going experience for years to come. The 99% of us who are able to drink sensibly and act like responsible adults should be allowed to do so, while the Police ensure any trouble is handled in the same way as any other alcohol fuelled incident which occurs on any given Saturday night across the country.
As you might have guessed the story across the North Sea is very different. Alcohol is readily available at all grounds in Sweden and Denmark. A modicum of control is in place with the alcohol content of the beer on sale being restricted – 2.1 to 3.5% in Sweden and 3.5 to 4.1% in Denmark.
The availability of booze means fans arrive much earlier to the ground than we are accustomed to in Scotland. Fans in Sweden and Denmark arrive between 30 and 90 minutes before kick-off. They enjoy a few pints, have some food, pump much needed revenue into their clubs and generally contribute to an atmosphere that builds to kick-off.
No Pyro, No Party?
The use of pyro (i.e. smoke bombs and flares) within stadiums doesn’t do much for me personally as I’ve no real desire to stand in a plume of smoke while trying to watch the game. There are however a section of fans in Scotland, enthralled by the images of foreign sweeping curvas light up with flares and draped in flags, that are determined pyro should be part of our match day experience.

Norway allows pyro displays providing they are sanctioned by the clubs in advance and are carried out by trained individuals. Sweden and Denmark are theoretically the same however they are currently working out the finer details of how these rules will be implemented.
The key point of difference is how the Scandinavian authorities deal with the demand for pyro. Nordic associations, including their Police forces, have had progressive, round table conversations with the fans to explore solutions which meet the needs of all parties. They are intent on finding safe ways of satisfying customer demand.
The Scottish approach on the other hand appears to centre on the implementation of punitive measures in the hope the topic will disappear from the agenda: a young Motherwell fan has recently been jailed for 5 months for letting off a smoke bomb inside Fir Park.
There are clearly safety concerns where pyro is involved and many people want nothing to do with it. However, at a time when clubs are trying to get as many through the turnstiles as possible, no avenue should be left unexplored. The current trend of young lads sneaking in uncontrolled pyro and discharging them in crowded areas is the biggest risk. Surely our clubs are able to implement controls to allow the aspiring Ultras to have their fun while safeguarding other spectators?
Other European Countries
The argument that Scandinavian fans enjoy much greater freedoms and a more enjoyable day out as a result is pretty compelling, but what of other European countries? Is Scandinavia just particularly progressive?
The table below shows you how fans in seven other Western European countries fare compared to Scotland. The reality reinforces all of our negative perceptions. We certainly are being treated differently to our European peers. In footballing terms, we are being criminalised.

What needs to happen?
The silent minority now need to make their voices heard. The authorities need to be made aware that the continued pursuit of the Family Friendly agenda to the exclusion of all else needs to stop. The hard working punters who hand over their cash at the turnstiles and want to stand, have a few beers and maybe even take part in some organised pyro, have as much right to be accommodated as families. There is no justification for us to be treated so poorly in comparison with our European counterparts.
I have two young daughters who I take along to Pittodrie on occasion. They barely watch the game but they are enthralled by the sensory experience: the buzz of the crowd, the smell of the burgers, Angus the Bull firing some shitty Fruit of the Loom t-shirts into the crowd.
I also attend games with a group of mates. We have a few pints before and after the game, sing a few songs, dish out some good natured abuse to opposition fans and let off some steam. There is no reason why our game can’t cater for both of these scenarios.
Sofia Bohlin, of the Swedish Football Supporter Union (SFSU), says it best: “Swedish football is marketed as something for everyone: families, seniors, kids, sitting audience and the standing section with tifos and choreographies. Some sections are niched e.g family section, youth section (kids between 8-15 without parents and pub section. This is something that the league and the clubs work really hard with and see as one of the most important message to communicate.”
Sweden’s SFSU has 40,000 members which ensures the authorities have to recognise it as an important partner in Swedish football. Most clubs in Scotland now have a vehicle which gives fans the platform to have their opinion heard at board level. There are organisations, like Supporters Direct Scotland, who are dedicated to pressing for change. Sign up and make your voice heard. If we don’t the game we fell in love with will be gone.
Thanks to Claus Røndbjerg-Christensen, Sofia Bohlin, Ole Aasheim, Marie McCusker and Jon Darch for being so generous with their time.
I join in: Great piece!
I’m a Dane supporting AaB (Aalborg BK). Spent half a year in Edinburgh and that got me into the Hibs thing. The latter hurts a bit at the moment…
I fully agree about the benefits of standing and alcohol in the stadiums. These elements are vital elements in holding on to the “typical” youngish supporter and they work without any issues in Denmark.
About pyro, it’s a bit more tricky in Denmark. I myself is a supporter of this, but it’s not legal as stated above. Quite the contrary. The fan umbrella organisation is working to legalize it (like in Norway): http://sport.tv2.dk/fodbold/2015-05-06-danske-fanklubber-legaliser-pyroteknik-paa-stadion). The situation is pretty much the same in Sweden. However, the amount of pyro at games, especially in Sweden, is pretty massive, but this is only due to fans hiding it from the stewards at the turnstiles.
Having a beer before/after match in Scotland is a massive thing for so many people. The fact that you can turn up half drunk and spend your money outside stadium on alcohol is just daft. Nothing logical to it whatsoever as SPFL clubs are losing huge amounts of revenue. People can buy an unhealthy pie for £2.50 but not a beer??
However, it may come as a surprise to some that you can actually have a beer inside stadiums in Scotland. Over the last two years I’ve been to countless grounds at Junior, Lowland League, Highland League and even Premier League level where it was possible for fans to buy a beer in a bottle or a pint at half time and before an official game – these include Hawick RA, Spartans, Partick Thistle. Some of these grounds have beer on tap on sale alongside pies, sausage rolls and the beer can be taken to your seat to watch the game.
The alcohol legislation makes no sense now – none. Maybe it made sense in 1980 when fans were turning up with bottles, cans and throwing them. But no sense in 2016. You can buy a drink if you turn up in a suit, as part of a corporate package officially as well at all SPL grounds or at most – why when there is a ban on alcohol?
How can these people turn up at this rugby stuff half cut, drunk, buy champagne and yet its stigmatised at football? Melrose sevens recently there were 6 incidents of drunken behaviour and one incident of a streaker? if that was SPFL it was have been armageddon.
As regards ‘pyro’ the police are very good at preaching ‘education’ – unfortunately many of them are uneducated with regards to this topic and have been perpetuating untruths, stigma and misconceptions about pyro items for some time. They (like the SPFL, SFA, clubs, UEFA) do not want dialogue, or discussion or debate the only thing they want to do is condemn, issue fines and criminalise.
Amongst the labels put on pyro is ‘life threatening flares’ and ‘fire hazard’. This sort of language can be dangerous and has been latched onto by the criminal justice system in Scotland leading to media hysteria and judges in courts issuing out sentences to 17 year olds. Totally OTT sentences; sentences that ruin lives pyro does not ruin lives.
The sort of ‘pyro’ items being used are effectively items manufactured for paint ball events costing £3.99. They are artificial devices that give out smoke, colour but not a flame. They are not military items or navel/maritime distress flares. The chances of these items endangering life or burning down a stadium? Not sure this is even logically possible.
The use of firecrackers is extremely rare in Scotland – never seen any. And any used were probably fireworks that can be bought in Morrisons or Tesco as 5th Nov approaches.
People from other countries here have highlighted important things – discussion, progressive thinking around the match-day experience and basically bringing Scotland into line with 2016.
A very good read! As a Norwegian football fan, I support SK Brann, I can confirm that prematch pyro choreographed by the fans is allowed. Most clubs have a fairly good dialogue with their fans, things are improving.
In Bergen, beer, cider and wine is available before the match and at half time in one of the four stands. This is the stand with the most expensive seats and your typical singing supporter does not get to take part in the half time beer experience. We hope that will change, maybe in the next couple of years.
I’ve lived in France and I follow what’s going on in french football. Beer is not allowed at games, but clubs can apply for sale of beer up to ten games per year. Not all clubs do. The league cup final 23rd April will be the first match ever where beer is allowed at Stade de France. But things may change soon and the general ban may be lifted already next season.
Great piece! Really enjoyed this. I totally agree that authorities should be having grown-up conversations with fans to find suitable compromises for everyone. The fact Police Scotland can exert so much pressure on policy is a little worrisome indeed!
One question – how well did the survey you quote at the start of the piece represent ALL fans? The findings are interesting, but not if the vast majority of those that answered were 18-40 year old males.
Some of it comes from Scottish parliament and recent legislation SNP brought in but as noted its been going on a long time this ‘family football’ obsession in Scotland – long before the Scottish parliament was even built.
Lots of the negativity comes from trash tabloid media who sensationalise and propagandise lies about pyro. The police PR teams likewise use media in Scotland to enforce and whip up nonsense about pyro – latched onto by everybody from judges to newspaper editors. Moreover, unfortunately the powers at be in Scotland (Govt and Police) have also used the power of legislation to criminalise supporters for minor things. Throw in the pressure of charity bodies like ‘Nil by Mouth’ and ‘Show racism the red card’ and some supporters only have to shout to get locked up and accused of whatever e.g. ‘inciting trouble’.
Its ok the Police Federation cracking its supposed authoritative ‘whip’ – thats is what they do. But the problem is the SFA and SPFL are so weak they have not got the esteem, vision to stand up to the likes of Police Federation.
Moreover, it was the likes of the SFA, SNP, Police Federation working together to introduce knee jerk, ill thought out reactionary actions to some handbags dust up on the touchline between McCoist and Lennon that led to reactionary legislation being introduced.
The SFA have no vision for the national football team and no vision for properly coaching footballers (the national team is the centre point of football in Scotland) so how should we expect them to enable progressive match-day experiences amongst its member clubs?
The SFA are a failure.
But SPFL Clubs need to do more – the issues they face are staggering which leaves you thinking they are either stupid or cant do anything as SFA wont let them.
Most Scottish clubs have got poor attendance figures with grounds that are not even half full every week (Kilmarnock, St Johnstone, Dundee, Dundee United, Hamilton to name 5 – some of them can attract less than 2,000) but the SPFL like to roll out massaged fluffy figures stating that per head of population football is watched by more in Scotland than blah blah.
Yet some clubs seem intent on pushing ‘family friendly’ or ‘community club’ agendas to the virtual exclusion of almost everything else EVEN when they have 6-7000 empty seats weekly. One of them is Aberdeen FC which has fluffed around the introduction of a proper singing section for years, made life difficult and put barriers in the way of anyone trying to create an atmosphere and even came out and said they are ‘not entertaining’ a safe standing section.
It has to be noted that Celtic and Rangers have got thriving fan cultures (granted some aspects of it is not appealing to everyone) but its not all fans; not all old firm fans partake every second of every game in illicit sectarian chanting. At least the Glasgow sides have had the foresight to create noisy ultra sections inside the stadium where at the centre of things there are flags, football chants and support for a team.
Celtic will soon have a safe standing section – and where will other clubs be? Nowhere, not a clue other than organising daft clowns on stilts for half time.
Its up to the other clubs in Scotland to engage and enlighten themselves about some of things that go on in other leagues – as noted Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Switzerland.
But will they? Not sure they will.
What a load eh shite
Spoiling the experience at the moment are these jobsworth stewards taking juice off kids,or stopping people taking pics!
Summer football is a must….at least a 5 year trial for all levels of football from grass roots to professional. If it doesn’t work then fine, but it must be tried.
Great read! It’s a shame that football fans are still treated like criminals, 30-odd years after the violence-plagued 80s, and have their weekend’s entertainment controlled by the authorities in such a way. Safe-standing, a lifting of the booze ban, and cheaper tickets would no doubt see most stadiums filled on a Saturday.
Good points about Police Scotland acting as legislature and not enforcer. They have certainly used the health and safety climate to their advantage, as if citing safety concerns is thereby a blank cheque to follow their desired course of action.
The main reason I don’t attend top flight football anymore is the pricing and the quality of football, but the atmosphere of being a suspected criminal at all times never helped either. I happily support junior football, but even there I’ve noticed that as attendances have arisen, those muppets in illuminuous jackets think it’s their job to stop people having fun.
Thanks for the feedback Jeanette. Of course I agree that women are just as vociferous in their support and as vital to the game as anyone. I guess as the polls I was quoting were overwhelmingly answered by men that’s where the focus of the blog lay. SDS are not perfect by any means but the general point was that fans need to engage the authorities through any avenue possible, whether it is supporters trust, SDS etc. The more members a body like SDS has the more they will have to be responsive to the needs of their members. Any engagement should be applauded IMO. Thanks for taking the time to comment.
I agree with every word except perhaps the notion that men are the ‘lifeblood’ of the game – women must be close to half the crowd at Celtic Park and many boys and girls are introduced to football by their mothers not their fathers. More importantly, I strongly disagree that Supporters Direct are the way forward. The Celtic Trust, having been one of their first members in Scotland, resigned some years ago because they refused to fight the OB Act because they were funded by the Scottish Government.